
Suter, Christian (Hrsg.) : The Future of Work

The Future of Work is a collective, interdisciplinary effort to grasp the trends that were reshaping the world of work before the Covid-19 pandemic along with its effects on the workers and labor markets. Written in the immediate aftermath of the outbreak, as countries around the world grappled with the economic fallout, the volume's 15 contributions from leading researchers and junior scholars draw on the rich debates of the 2019 Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association on the Future of Work held at the University of Neuchâtel in the fall of 2019. The chapters, divided into five sections, cover issues ranging from the (sometimes unexpected) impacts of digital technologies and globalization to the experience of marginalized workers (in both the Global North and South) and the future of academia. Their critical insights into the historical dynamics and lived experiences behind the transformation of work provide a framework to understand the fate of workers and occupations in these unsettling times.
Artikelnummer: 978-3-03777-244-7
CHF 56.35
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